As a budding developer, you learn new things on a daily basis. But once you have found yourself a nice job in a comfortable environment, it can be tempting to become complacent. When was the last time you challenged yourself?

Invest In Yourself

The mobile space evolves at an incredible pace. The first iPhone was introduced almost ten years ago and the mobile space has undergone an amazing transformation since. The iPhone Steve Jobs unveiled in 2007 was magical and revolutionary, but no one could have predicted the capabilities and the impact of the current generation of mobile devices.

But this means that you as a developer also need to evolve. Swift, for example, celebrated its second birthday last summer. Have you started using Swift in any of your projects yet? I hope you have.

The title of this post is the point I want to drive home today. Chances are that you will change jobs a few times in your career. That means that your future employer will want to see what you have accomplished and what skills you have learned along the way.

How have you evolved as a developer? Are you familiar with Swift? Do you know and understand how Core Data works? Have you started testing your projects?

The only constant in your career is you and you have to invest in that resource every single day. That doesn't mean you need to learn a new language or framework every week, but it does mean that you need to leave your comfort zone from time to time. Challenge yourself if you are not challenged at your current job.


This advice applies even more to freelancers. Most freelancers change projects and clients on a regular basis. Unless you are a well known name in the developer community, this means that you need to convince your next client that you are the person they are looking for.

Not every project needs to be cutting edge, but as a freelancer it is essential that you don't become complacent. I cannot emphasize how important that is.

How does the project you are working on make you a better developer? How have you evolved as a developer over the past year? Why do clients hire you and, more importantly, are they hiring you for the right reasons?


The year is drawing to a close and this is a great time for reflection. Work is only a small aspect of life, but you have the opportunity to excel in what you do. Why wouldn't you grab that opportunity with both hands? What is holding you back?