A few weeks ago, a reader was having problems getting up to speed with CocoaPods. While CocoaPods isn't too difficult to use, it can be challenging if you haven't used a dependency manager before. After running pod install, CocoaPods outputted the following message.

0 Dependencies from the Podfile and 0 Total Pods Installed

Troubleshooting CocoaPods

There are a number of reasons why you're seeing this message after running pod install. Let's take a closer look.

Empty of Incorrect Podfile

The project's Podfile is empty or the dependencies are not correctly defined. Make sure you added the required dependencies in the project's Podfile.

Wrong Directory

Double check that your run pod install from the correct location, that is, from the directory that contains the project's Podfile. This is a common mistake people new to CocoaPods make.

Podfile Syntax Error

Take a close look at your project's Podfile and see if you can spot any syntax errors. A syntax error in your project's Podfile can trip up CocoaPods and prevent it from detecting and/or installing the dependencies your defined.

CocoaPods Cache Issues

While less likely, a caching issue might be the problem. It can cause CocoaPods to behave unexpectedly. To rule out caching issues, clear the cache by running the pod cache clean --all command before running pod install.

Pod Sources Not Updated

Another possible problem is that your local CocoaPods sources are out of date. Run pod repo update to update your local CocoaPods source before running pod install.

Fixing CocoaPods

If you haven't been able to resolve the issue, follow these steps.

Check the Project's Podfile

Open your project's Podfile in your favorite code editor and make sure that the dependencies are correctly defined. For example, if your project depends on Alamofire, then your project's Podfile should include the following line.

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.8'

Verify Directory

Navigate to the root of your project and double-check that it contains your project's Podfile. You can list the files in the current working directory by running the ls command in a terminal.

Check for Errors

Run pod install and inspect the output. Do you see any errors or warnings? You can use the verbose flag for even more data to debug the issue.

Update CocoaPods

CocoaPods is still under active development so make sure you take advantage of bug fixes and other improvements by updating to the latest version of CocoaPods. Update CocoaPods and run pod install. It might be your lucky day.

gem install cocoapods